6d labrador Puppies For Sale

Shipping & Delivery

Transportation & Shipping

Are you interested in any of our puppies and you live to far to drive down or can’t pick up the puppy in person, then we can make arrangements for you to have the puppy on same day or next day delivery. The puppy would be shipped to your nearest airport or home delivered. Delivery prices vary from city, state and country. In most cases the puppy would arrive within 2-8 hours and 48 hours max international delivery from departure time. Sometimes delays occur so you’ll need to constantly check the puppy’s tracking number to see the shipping progress.

Shipping Process

We collect your details and the puppy you have chosen

we take the baby to the pet delivery service

we register and pay a delivery fee a tracking number is provided so you can track shipping progress

Puppy is delivered within 24 hrs

You have a new member in the family you can go check with your vet just to confirm.

Nationwide Delivery Requirements

If you decide to have a puppy shipped to you, we’ll need the following information:

1. Full names( ID MUST HAVE SAME INFO) you’ll need to show the ID at the airport cargo desk when you pick up your puppy.

2. State & City

3. Zipcode

4. Nearest airport from you

5. Email address

6. Phone contact

International Delivery Requirements

International customers contact us for a quote if you decide to get a puppy shipped to you. We’ll need the following :

1. Full names ( Must be same as written on the ID)

2. The full names as written on ID as back up who can pick up your puppy in case of any emergency you’re unable.

3. Your physical address ( can’t be a post office box)

4. Phone numbers you can easily be reached at preferably 2 numbers.

5. The name of your COUNTY

6. Names of the 2 closest airports from you

7. The puppy’s name

It’s a safe and comfortable shipping process so don’t get mad when you hear a puppy can be shipped to you, shipping puppies are usually quite safe and every airlines taking live animals have procedures in place to be sure they arrive in good health.

Refund policy: If you have any issue upon arrival or pick up of your puppy call or email us to notify us. We offer a 30 days 100% refund guarantee.